Thursday, February 3, 2011

A little about me.

I have to admit something.  I am no fashion "expert"!  Aw, that felt good.  I am a very driven person, though.  And I want to share my story over the last 5 years or so.  That way you know where I am coming from.

I am the mother of 2 wonderful kids.  I lived with their father for 14 years before taking back my and my kids lives.  Without bashing him too badly, I would just like to say that he is an alcoholic and consistently chose the bar and his buddies there over his family.  Anyone that has ever lived with an alcoholic knows the chaos and unrest that comes with that.  Enough said on that subject. 

So almost 5 years ago, the kids and I packed up our entire lives and moved 850 miles from Texas to Tennessee.  Before you ask why, my mother lives here.  And the cost of living is affordable for a single mother.  We stayed with my Mom for 2 months and then we moved into a house of our own that we rent from my mother.

And so began the healing process.  When I unpacked my 2 boxes of clothes, I found that I had crew neck tshirts, the horrid mom jeans (pleated at the top, tapered at the bottom), sweatshirts and sneakers.  That was my entire wardrobe.  Pathetic.  Considering that when I was in highschool, fashion was my bread and water.  I wanted to go to school for fashion merchandising, but never got to go.  

What I did after high school was start working in offices.  Accounts receivable, assistant manager, insurance, and currently I work as the Distance Manager for an online company and executive administrative assistant for the owners of that company.  I did go to school, eventually.  I have an Associates Degree as a Paralegal.

During the healing process that I mentioned before, I started feeling better about myself. I made a significant change in my life.  I removed my kids from a toxic environment and I was showing them a better way to live.  As I started feeling better about myself, I wanted to start showing that on the outside.  I wanted to look better too.

I discovered that my body was considerably different from when I was in my 20's. I didn't know how to dress this new body that had been changed by gaining weight and having 2 children.  So, I started studying.  I watched every style show I could find.  I bought every book I could find about dressing my body.  I tried to convince my friends and family to turn me in to one of the style shows like "How Do I Look?" and "What Not To Wear".  I soon realized that the odds of me making it on one of those shows was slim to none.  So then I decided I would hire a stylist to help me through this.  Hah!!  Wow are they expensive!  On my income, there was no way I could afford that.  So, it was back to the books, the internet and the style shows.

I figured it out, finally!  And then I asked myself, "How many other women struggle with this same issue?"  I know that I am not the only one.  I also know that I am a little more driven to put in the time and effort to figure it out.  I work from home.  I have experience in research and pulling information together.  I have resources other women may not have.

So naturally my journey has progressed to the next logical phase.  How do I share what I have learned with other women that are having the same issues?  Yes, there are lots of Plus size blogs out there.  Yes, there are lots of plus size fashion tips out there.  The problem is that a lot of them are for high end designers.  You know what that means – Expensive!  There are some really good sites out there, please don’t misunderstand me.  I found some really great sites and I will definitely share those with you.  I can’t see any reason to reinvent the wheel, so to speak.

I am still working on my niche.  So as I continue to write this blog and share my thoughts, you may notice I change and create and tweak things as I go. 

I am going to start out with writing the blog and sharing my thoughts as I go.  I am working on a monthly newsletter that will address a particular subject each month.  I will send that out this weekend.  As I find good deals and sales on clothing, I will share those through Twitter. 

I would like to offer my services to those of you that would like me to go shopping with you to find a perfect outfit for a special event or occasion.  I promise I will not charge you an unreasonable or outrageous amount for my company and services.  I would love to help you with a wardrobe analysis.  We can go through your closet to see what you should keep and what should be donated.

Of course, I am always open to suggestions about what YOU would like to read about.  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy and use all of the information that I am sharing with you.

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